About me

Nice to meet you!

I’m Ian, a professional photographer and aviation photojournalist of over 20 years, based in Wolverhampton, West Midlands.

And by the way, if you’re expecting the clichéd picture of a photographer holding a camera, that’s not going to happen!

I’ve had an interest in photography since I was a youngster – the occasional family slide shows we endured when I was growing up probably had something to do with that! Throughout school, I always had an interest in something ‘creative’, whether that was writing or drawing, and my career aspirations then were to go into broadcast media as a camera operator, or at least something broadcast-esque…..so I went and studied Environmental Science at university. . . . . .makes sense! And then in 2005 I began a loooong career in education and IT management . . . . . makes even more sense! Stay with me, it gets better!

I’d found that I usually had a camera with me wherever I went and began to take my work more seriously. I soon realised that I was able to turn what was a hobby in to something more. With my interest in aviation and the creative writing flair (yes, remember that?!), I turned my hand to aviation photojournalism where I could take pictures, write articles and sometimes get paid for it!

Although my career took me down a completely different path than the one I had expected, I was still able to realise my dream career on occasion, working freelance as a camera operator on a range of events – you know those big camera cranes that fly around the audience on BGT? They take some getting used to! Covering F1 at Silverstone still eludes me however….

Anyway, after 17 years I decided that I’d had enough of schools, enough of IT and enough of fixing everyone else’s problems so I completely changed careers. I joined National Highways and now I can write, take photos AND get paid for it at the same time! (Yes, I am the person who writes to tell you roads are closed. Yes, I am the person who takes photos of cones.)

I’ve been lucky to make what started off as a hobby in to a job, whether it forms elements of my day job or alongside normal work. I’ve been able to combine it with my other interests too – the outdoors, motorsport and of course, dogs and agility. Weddings are a particular favourite and it’s a real pleasure to share in such a special day. No matter what each wedding brings, every couple is unique, making every event unlike any other.

As the saying goes “Choose a job you love and you’ll never have to work a day in your life” – that’s what I tell myself when it’s 2am and I’m still going through your photos…….

And I still don’t think you can beat a slide show!

A few other things about me:

* Married to Laura, Dad to Evie and Finley *

* Four dogs (we must be mad!) *

* I love music! Absolutely anything and everything (260,000 tracks in the library and counting) *

* I used to work at The Lichfield Garrick Theatre – the stories I could tell you about that place*

* I’m a radio DJ (on occasion!) *

* I’m really good at Songpop and a round of ‘guess the intro’ *

* The best job I had was as a home delivery driver for Tesco, back in the day (other supermarkets are available) *

* Gin all the way *

* Cornwall all the way – pasties and ofc jam first! *

* Dad jokes and puns (’nuff said) *

* Pinch of nom books rule *

* Love a Gary Larson strip *

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